What's the sense of having knowledge if we don't pass it on to our children. America is a fat society in many areas, but definitely around the belly.
So here we are, trying to either lose our excess weight, reduce our cholesterol, reduce our triglycerides, reduce our blood pressure, get rid of our cancers, reduce our cardiac risk, get our diabetes under control and we are completely selfish with our new found knowledge....
You know, through your journey to improve your health, you've learned some valuable things along the way, yet your children continue to eat that crap that they call food. Food filled with colorful dyes, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils.
Remember that our children learn by imitating us. They will pick up all of our habits, the bad ones along with the good ones. Make sure you teach them what they put into their mouth isn't just to satisfy that hunger feeling, but it is fuel, it is medicine, it is building blocks, it is life energy for your body. If you put in bad stuff, you get back bad performance from your body. If you put in good stuff, you get back good performance.
So when you look at yourself in the mirror and you like what you see.....When you step onto that scale and you like the numbers that are coming up.....when you fit into your old clothes again and you like what you've done with yourself, ask yourself if you have passed any of your new found knowledge and experience on to your children. It's important.
Remember, their lives may depend on it.
'nuff said.
Dr. Narson is a 2-term past president of the Florida Chiropractic Association’s Council on Sports Injuries, Physical Fitness & Rehabilitation and was honored as the recipient of the coveted Chiropractic Sports Physician of the Year Award in 1999-2000. He practices in Miami Beach, Florida at the Miami Beach Family & Sports Chiropractic Center; A Facility for Natural Sports Medicine.
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