To recap, I had just had a CTa; a 3-dimensional CAT scan of my heart so that a radiologist can check the condition of my heart’s blood vessels. By some grace of G-d, my cardiac vessels were

On a prescription pad Dr. Woolf wrote the name of a book: Ultrametabolism, by Mark Hyman, MD. My prescription was to read the book and to live the book…and so I did. The book in summary told me to eat whole foods, not processed foods. Told me not to skip meals or reduce my calories, but to eat the right foods at the right times to speed up my metabolism. And of course, get recommitted to exercising. All of which I did, and I did well.
It worked. After 6 months, my cholesterol, my triglycerides and my blood pressure were normal again and I weighed in at 194. To read more on out how I did this, read my blog on beating lipitor in 6 months
My struggle continues though as I’ve realized that crappy food is so abundant in our society, it’s nearly impossible to eat and snack healthfully (and tastefully) without examining the label on everything I want to purchase from the grocery store. Even Yogurt has high fructose corn syrup, the same sweetener as you will see in Coca-Cola & Pepsi and every other soda on the market and yes, another man-made substance that is slowly killing our children and ourselves. Most of the foods we consume also have hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils in them. A substance that is incredibly toxic to which scientists have said that this substance is like ingesting plastic into our bodies.
Most of you know how I felt when I stumbled onto Larabars. Which, I continue to enjoy to this day and hope to for a long long time; but, I’ve found another snack that can also be used as a meal!!!
Yes, I’ve finally found another source for not just in-between meal snack, but for real whole foods that you can replace any meal with. The Company is The Whole Food Farmacy. At a recent continuing educational seminar in Orlando, I bumped into an old schoolmate of mine. We talked and he actually had, in addition to his practice, another business that surrounded his incredibly healthy way of eating. Stephen, as I remember, would eat the entire fruit or vegetable. Stem, seeds, core, leaves and all. He left nothing over, and his business was based on healthy packaged meals made up of a multitude of whole fruits, whole vegetables whole seeds and whole grains that were in simple, easy to manage self-sealing very tasty packages. To my amazement, they tasted awesome and I immediately got as excited about this as I did when I first found out about Larabars.
Everything was packed kind of like a bag of “trail mix” and with incredible variety. I first tried something called Veggiliscious, which, I could easily chow down on in place of a bag of potato chips. They were crunchy and flavorful. There was even a spicy version too! There were so many choices from mixes of traditional fruits, seed & grains, to tropical fruits and various flavorful mixes. There were a multitude of shakes and soups as well, all made from a natural whole food source. The bags seal up like a zip-lock storage bag and they are so easy to throw in your gym bag or brief case or purse and take with you.
To put it like my California buddies…I was Stoked!!! I enjoyed the flavors, the whole food mixes were very hearty and I could easily eat one of these for a meal if I wanted. And, funny thing, I was going to and from so many classes and meeting, I actually ate 6 of my 8 meals that weekend from the Whole Food Farmacy and was totally satisfied. I simply didn't have time to sit down for a normal meal.
Now, this isn’t some fad diet, or new vitamin pill company, this company understands the benefits of whole food nutrition and packages it so it makes it easy for you to incorporate into your life. If you eat your meals from real whole foods, you will regain your health, you will lose weight and you will improve your health and recapture that long lost youthful energy again.
Top athletes are using this as part of the pre-competition preparation strategy. It’s becoming very popular with marathon runners and especially tri-athletes. Because it’s pure whole food the way we were meant to eat it. It’s just in a nice little bag.
If your kids need something good to snack on, this is absolutely the thing for you. If you’ve been wondering how to regain your health, lose that weight that somehow showed up around your waist one day, then this is for you. The Whole Food Farmacy has 7 & 13-day cleanses (some people call them fasts) to kick start your quest to regain your health. If you’ve hit a plateau in your weight loss, give this a try. It’s not a “diet”, it’s not a “fast”, you’re just bombarding your system with a lot of very dense-high nutritional value whole foods. Your body will thank you for it by getting back in balance again.
It’s easy, it’s tasty and it’s extremely good for you. As with anything, check the ingredients to make sure you don’t have any allergies to the foods and if you have any questions, make sure to check with your doctor about it.
I’ve set up a website so you can check out the company’s products and if you think this is the right time to regain your health, then join the wholesale club like I did and join me in taking back your health and the health of your family. (It’s kind of like a Costco for their whole food products). Just go to: http://www.mywholefoodfarmacy.com/ and achieve your goals in your quest to regain your health.
So, as Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said back in the “B.C.” days, “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food”.
If your kids need something good to snack on, this is absolutely the thing for you. If you’ve been wondering how to regain your health, lose that weight that somehow showed up around your waist one day, then this is for you. The Whole Food Farmacy has 7 & 13-day cleanses (some people call them fasts) to kick start your quest to regain your health. If you’ve hit a plateau in your weight loss, give this a try. It’s not a “diet”, it’s not a “fast”, you’re just bombarding your system with a lot of very dense-high nutritional value whole foods. Your body will thank you for it by getting back in balance again.
It’s easy, it’s tasty and it’s extremely good for you. As with anything, check the ingredients to make sure you don’t have any allergies to the foods and if you have any questions, make sure to check with your doctor about it.
I’ve set up a website so you can check out the company’s products and if you think this is the right time to regain your health, then join the wholesale club like I did and join me in taking back your health and the health of your family. (It’s kind of like a Costco for their whole food products). Just go to: http://www.mywholefoodfarmacy.com/ and achieve your goals in your quest to regain your health.
So, as Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said back in the “B.C.” days, “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food”.
Healthfully Yours,
Dr. Narson is a 2-term past president of the Florida Chiropractic Association’s Council on Sports Injuries, Physical Fitness & Rehabilitation and was honored as the recipient of the coveted Chiropractic Sports Physician of the Year Award in 1999-2000. He practices in Miami Beach, Florida at the Miami Beach Family & Sports Chiropractic Center; A Facility for Natural Sports Medicine.